What’s New at Hortus Supplies International?How to minimize Fusarium problems in Peppers

How to minimize Fusarium problems in Peppers

Fusarium is a major problem for many crops, including peppers. This persistent fungus can cause serious damage to your plants, leading to significant yield losses. Fusarium has several manifestations, such as Fusarium oxysporum and Fusarium foot rot, and both can cause major damage to your crop if no (precautionary) measures are taken.

What is Fusarium?
Fusarium oxysporum is a common causal agent of the so-called wilt disease. This fungus infects plant roots and blocks the vascular bundles, severely disrupting the transport of water and nutrients. This results in wilting, yellowing and eventually death of the plant. There are different forms of Fusarium oxysporum that target specific crops, such as peppers tomatoes, cucumbers and bananas.
Fusarium foot rot mainly affects cereals such as wheat and barley. But also occurs in other crops, such as peppers and tomatoes. This fungus targets the roots and stem base, leading to rot and eventually weakens the plant.

Spread of Fusarium
Fusarium spreads through multiple routes: soil, contaminated irrigation water, plant material, wind, insects, and even through farmers’ machinery and shoes. The fungus can survive in soil for a long time and spreads rapidly to new crops, making preventive measures necessary.

Cocos reduces the spread of Fusarium unlike rockwool
Although Fusarium cannot be completely controlled, using the right substrate can slow the spread of it. Cocos offers a clear advantage here over rockwool. Rockwool has a sharper structure, which is more likely to lead to root damage. Damaged roots are more susceptible to Fusarium, as the fungus can penetrate through these damages in the roots. Moreover, rockwool retains more water, which promotes the spread of Fusarium. This can lead to increased nitrogen levels in the root zone, further promoting Fusarium. Rockwool contains more water roots than Cocos because rockwool retains more water.
Rockwool often has a higher EC (electrical conductivity), which can cause nutrient imbalance and stress to the plant.
Cocos, on the other hand, has a more buffering effect and a lower EC, meaning it releases nutrients more evenly and causes less stress to the plant. This lowers the risk of root damage and Fusarium spread. Cocos also retains less water, which reduces further spread of the fungus. Cocos is also a more sustainable alternative than rockwool, with a positive impact on both the plant and the environment.

At Hortus Supplies International, we are dedicated to providing high-quality growing media that enhance plant health and productivity. Our Coco Peat products, specifically our substrate slabs, offer unique benefits that cater to the needs of modern growers.

Customizable Substrate Slabs

Our Coco Peat substrate slabs are available with their own specifications tailored for either vegetative or generative growth. These slabs can be customized to suit your specific growing conditions, ensuring they are ready for immediate use upon delivery. With a focus on high air circulation, our slabs facilitate excellent drainage and moisture control, creating an ideal environment for root development.

Make your plant resilient with Supramino (Amino Acid)
Plants under stress are more susceptible to diseases such as Fusarium. An effective way to support your plants is to add amino acids. Supramino, the amino acid product from Hortus Supplies International, strengthens the plant and makes it more resistant to fungi, such as Fusarium, and other diseases. Adding Supramino not only helps repair damaged tissue and supports the growth of healthy, strong roots. In addition, using Supramino improves the uptake of nutrients, such as calcium. This results in less leaching, lower fertiliser use and a reduction in nitrate. This can lead to an extended life of your substrate. Supramino is also organically certified, which contributes to a more sustainable crop. Read more about Supramino from Hortus Supplies International here.

Prevention and Support, the key to success
Prevention is better than cure. By choosing a sustainable substrate like Cocos and using products like Supramino, you will ensure stronger plants that are more resistant to Fusarium. With the right preventive approach, a conscious choice of substrate and the right use of ammino acids from the start of cultivation, you can minimise the impact of this persistent fungus and ensure a successful, sustainable crop.

With special thanks to Petra van der Goes of Plant Quality Solutions

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